Manuals and Guides

Hobie Support


All Manuals and Guides Available Here

Hobie 16 Owners Manual

Hobie 16 Tuning Guide

Hobie 14/16 Parts Guide

How To Rig Your Hobie 16

Hobie 14 / 16 Trampoline Lacing Instruction

International Hobie Class Association

Hobie Classes

Hobie Tuning

Repair Guides

Flex-Mold Repair

Creating and Mixing Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber

Ultimate Guide to Carbon Fiber Design and Application

Guide to Polyester Resin Marine Applications

Waxing and Polishing Your Boat

Making Stays / Shrouds for a Sailboat Mast

Getting Started

The Basics of Sailing

Learning the Basics

The Four Cardinal Rules

Getting onto the Trapeze Wire

Sail Trim Using Telltales

Winds of Hong Kong

Winds of Hong Kong Island

Winds of Victoria Harbour

Winds of Lamma

Winds of Port Shelter

Winds of Clearwater Bay

Racing Rules of Sailing

World Sailing 2021-2024